Use It or Lose It…Examining the Efficacy of the Spouse And Family Exclusion Trust or Spousal Lifetime Access Trust

The Applicable Exclusion Amount (“AEA”) permits individuals to transfer a certain amount of property either during life or at death without worrying about incurring an estate or gift tax. Passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 temporarily doubled that amount thereby allowing significant amounts of wealth pass from one generation to another without imposition of tax. As we draw nearer to January 1, 2026, and the sunset of those doubling provisions, attorneys and clients alike will rush to utilize whatever remains of their AEA to avoid losing it. Married individuals have a particularly useful option at their disposal.

The post Use It or Lose It…Examining the Efficacy of the Spouse And Family Exclusion Trust or Spousal Lifetime Access Trust appeared first on Progeny Law Firm.


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