
Tread Carefully with Specific Bequests

Parents often decide to leave one child a specific asset and provide an equalizing cash bequest to the other. This article explores how specific bequests may provide unintended results. The post Tread Carefully with Specific Bequests appeared first on Progeny Law Firm.

Multigenerational Estate Planning: Building and Preserving Wealth Across Generations in Louisiana

Planning for the future of your family’s wealth involves more than just deciding who gets what after you pass away. Multigenerational estate planning is about creating a long-term strategy to protect and grow your assets, ensuring that your wealth benefits your immediate heirs and future generations. Careful planning can help you build a lasting legacy […] The post Multigenerational Estate Planning: Building and Preserving Wealth Across Generations in Louisiana appeared first on Progeny Law Firm.

Protecting Your Family Business in Louisiana with Estate Planning 

Family businesses are the backbone of many Louisiana communities, offering economic benefits and a sense of legacy and continuity. However, the future of a family business can be jeopardized without proper estate planning. Disputes among heirs, high estate taxes, and unforeseen legal challenges can threaten the stability and longevity of your business. Proactive estate planning […] The post Protecting Your Family Business in Louisiana with Estate Planning  appeared first on Progeny Law Firm.

Estate Planning for High Net Worth Individuals in Louisiana

High net worth individuals face unique challenges when it comes to estate planning. With substantial assets at stake, the complexities of managing and protecting these assets require careful and strategic planning. Estate taxes, asset protection, and succession planning are critical components that must be addressed to ensure your legacy is preserved. A well-crafted estate plan […] The post Estate Planning for High Net Worth Individuals in Louisiana appeared first on Progeny Law Firm.

Estate Planning, Retirement, and Gratitude

Retirement and estate planning are both related to gratitude. I’m retiring after 23 years with the Academy. The Academy and its Members have made me a better lawyer, a better teacher, and a better person. Whether you are retiring or doing estate planning, don’t forget to express your gratitude to those who have made a difference in your life. The post Estate Planning, Retirement, and Gratitude appeared first on Progeny Law Firm.

Planning for Long-Term Care in Louisiana: What You Need to Know

Imagine facing an unexpected health crisis that requires extensive care and realizing that you’re financially unprepared for the associated costs. Long-term care is essential in estate planning, yet many overlook it until it’s too late. Proactive planning is a must in Louisiana, where costs and regulations vary significantly depending on where you live. Without a […] The post Planning for Long-Term Care in Louisiana: What You Need to Know appeared first on Progeny Law Firm.

Estate Planning for Business Owners in Louisiana

A successful business built over decades can quickly fall apart without proper estate planning. Unfortunately, this is a common scenario for many business owners who neglect to prepare for the future. Estate planning is not just about distributing personal assets; for business owners, it’s about ensuring the continuity and success of their business after they […] The post Estate Planning for Business Owners in Louisiana appeared first on Progeny Law Firm.